Monday Night RAW Recap For June 3rd 2024

RAW 06/03/24

Opener- After a video recap of last week’s steel cage match between Liv Morgan & Becky Lynch and how Dominik Mysterio came out to disrupt the match and caused Liv to win, Liv came out to address the crowd. As she proceeded to tell the fans that she put Becky into early retirement, Dom came down to the ring. At which point he reminded Liv that Rhea Ripley was going to return and when she does, she’s going to kill Liv. 

Liv then started backing Dom into the rings corner in a seductive manner, saying that she vowed to steal everything from Rhea…including Dominik. At which point Finn Balor ran down to the ring and got between Liv & Dom and told her to back off. Liv jumped out of the ring and left giving Dom a very seductive look as if to say, I’ll have my way with you.


We come back to see Jackie Redmond backstage starting to interview Sheamus and they go to a recap video of the issue between Sheamus & Ludwig Kaiser. After which Sheamus makes his way through the curtain and down the ramp. Half way down Kaiser runs out and attacks Sheamus. They fight their way to the ring. 


Match-1 Sheamus vs. Kaiser

Sheamus had an injured knee that was taped and Kaiser targeted the knee the entire match. In the end Sheamus had Kaiser up on the 2nd turnbuckle and was about to hit Kaiser with his “white noise“ move, but Kaiser squirmed out of it. While Sheamus was still up on the turnbuckle Kaiser kicked’m in the bad knee causing Sheamus to fall hard to the mat, at which time Kaiser rolled Sheamus up for the pin and an upset win.


Damien Priest meets up with the Judgement Day backstage. He starts in about this Liv & Dom problem. Finn interrupts him and says it’s good he handled it. Priest says “oh yeah, but is it good with Rhea?” Dom said “it will be”


Match-2 Finn Balor vs Dragon Lee

JD McDonagh was ringside in Balors corner. However JD was constantly trying to distract Lee. At one point when the Referee was reprimanding JD, Carlito came to ringside and blindsided Lee. Lee attempted to take care of Carlito outside the ring but when he went to re-enter the ring JD kicked him and rolled him up for the pin. Then JD, Carlito & Dom all started to beat down Lee in the ring. But Rey Mysterio & Braun Strohman came to Lees rescue and cleared the ring of Judgment Day.


Small vignette with R-Truth telling Carlito that he understands how tough it is to get into the Judgement Day, and that those were the best time of his life. At which point The Miz entered and was like “really!”and the Awesome Truth walked off bantering with each other leaving Carlito befuddled. Priest approached Carlito and gave him kudos for his assertions towards Lee but Strohman needs to be taken care of. He suggested Carlito demand a match with Braun tonight. 


Small vignette where Riccochet was backstage prepping for his match with Bron Breaker. Ilja Dragonoff approached him and said to be careful because Breaker is a dangerous guy, Riccochet agreed as he continued preparing.


Sammy Zane came to the ring to address the crowd and call out Chad Gable. The Alpha Academy came down to the ring. The Academy entered the ring and Gable warned Zane that they were loyal to him and they were going nowhere. Doing so while insulting each member. Gable demanded another title match in the near future and Zane compliance then tried to talk to the Academy about setting themselves free from Gable. While talking to them Gable jumped Zane and they started to scuffle. During the melee Zane kicked Gable to the ropes knocking Dupree & Tozawa to the floor. Gable blamed Zane and Otis body slammed Zane hard to the mat.


Vignette with Breaker in Adam Pierce’ office thanking him for a match with Riccochet, a formidable opponent.


Vignette with Gable giving Kudos to the Academy for a job well done. However they did not look happy.


Match-3 Riccochet vs Bron Breaker

Riccochet had his ribs taped up so Breaker worked those ribs. Eventually Breaker got Riccochet on the turnbuckles and planted a “Frankensteiner” on him to the mat. When Riccochet attempted to get to his feet Breaker speared him and got the win. Breaker then continued to decimate the injured Riccochet to the outside of the ring. During an attempt to clobber Riccochet with the steel stairs the staff from the back came and stopped Bron. At which point Dragonoff ran down to ringside and clotheslined Bron over the barricade.


Match-4 Natalya vs Kiana James

This was a good match. Fast paced and well executed on both of the women’s sides. But in the end, Kiana planted a “401K” on Natalya and, on Kiana’s debut match, defeated Natalya.


Vignette of New Day prepping for their match. At which time Karrion Kross interrupted them to give advice but New Day was not impressed and started to walk off. As they were leaving Kross whispered to Xavier Woods that after tonight he wouldn’t have to worry about following Kofi around anymore. 


Vignette where Sonya Deville spoke to Bazaler & Stark, giving them “manager like” advice. To which they told her to go away and leave them alone.


Match-5  Strohman vs Carlito

Strohman had the upper hand most of the match till Dom, JD & Balor came out and started ganging up on Strohman. Disqualifying Carlito . At one point Braun went after Dom but the Liv Morgan showed up and stopped Brauns advances on Dom. When Braun went back in the ring to go after the rest of Judgement Day, they stomped Braun to the mat and beat’m with kicks & a chair. Ringside Liv was trying to seduce Dom again but Balor got between them and stopped her advances.


The women’s tag team champions  BelAir & Cargill entered the ring and addressed the crowd and then called out Bazaler & Stark to confront them about their smack talking as of late. After a minute or two GM Adam Pierce came out and made a match between the two teams official. 


Vignette with Drew McIntyre telling Damien Priest he will be seeing him soon.


Match-6 BelAir & Cargill vs Bazaler & Stark

The match was fast paced and there was a lot of even exchange but when it seemed the champs had the upper hand, Fire & Dawn from NXT jumped in the ring and proceeded to help the challengers beat down the champs, disqualifying them.


Jey Uso entered the arena from high in the stands with a microphone and thanked the crowd for standing by him through thick and thin. And then announced he would be in the $$ in the bank match next month.


Lyra Valkeria was being interviewed about herself and Being Becky’s friend etc. She said Becky will be back stronger than ever. At which time she was jumped by Iyo Sky. 


Match-7 New Day vs Final Testiment

The match was short lived when Karrion distracted Kofi while woods was in the ring. When Woods went for a tag and Kofi wasn’t in the corner, AOP got the pin on woods. A smug Kross exited up the ramp with Testiment saying “you don’t need him Woods”


Match-8 Rey Mysterio vs Damien Priestthis match was really good. Eventually Priest got the pin on Mysterio after hitting him with a “south of heaven. Judgement Day came out and attempted to beat down Rey and then Dragon Lee came out and all hell broke loose. During all the commotion McIntyre came out and hit Priest with a “future shock” but when when McIntyre wasn’t looking and was outside the ring , Priest popped up and came out of the ring and put Drew through the announcer table.

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