The Mysterious Career of Al Phillips

Al Philips A Pennsylvania who was trained by Mike Kaluha started wresting on ICW TV for Mario Savoldi around 1989 or 1990. Phillips started wrestling for the Savoldi`s as a young guy putting over the veteran talent. Early on Phillips would lose to his trainer King Kaluah on ICW TV, as well as teaming with EL Borincano  a loss to the Undertakers.

It was after Paul E Dangerously and his crew of wrestlers that he brought in left the company, when the ICW was looking for new wrestlers to push, in order to fill the gap left by the exit of Paul E and his crew.  This is when ICW was teamed with GQ Madison as Ebony an Ivory.  The pair entered A tournament for the vacant ICW tag Team titles, beating a team that featured future UWF and ECW star Chris Michaels in the first round, before losing to eventual winners the Undertakers in the quarterfinals, in a post-match that saw the Undertakers placing Al Phillips in A bodybag.

Ebony and ivory continued to get A push on ICW TV beating the masked Carolina Crushers and feuding with the Equilizers(mike Williams and Johnny Grunge). On TV Phillips lost A singles match to one of the Equilizers. Shortly after this match Phillips was replaced by Eric Sbracia GQ Madison`s tag team partner ending Phillips push. Shortly after Sbracia took a break from wrestling, but it was TD Madison(Tommy Dreamer) not Phillips, who replaced Sbracia, and Phillips returned to his role of jobber losing squashes to Mondo Klein and the Tazmaniac before leaving the company.

In 1991 Phillips resurfaced in Herb Abrams UWF where he wrestled as Soul Train Phillips and instantly received a push. Phillips wrestled four matches on the UWF TV tapings. Phillips teamed with Cash Jackson in A squash loss to the Power Twins, but Phillips was treated better as a singles competitor. Phillips lost to veteran Tom Brandi by countout, but was not pinned. On Tv Phillips got a big DQ win over Col Debeers in a back and forth contest, after the black wrestler frustrated the racist Debeers, who whipped and hung Phillips was his belt. This happened whenPhillips landed on the ref, after debeers kicked out at the count of 2. Phillips would frustrate Debeers a second time on TV, again winning by DQ.

Unfortunately for Phillips the UWF left the New York area and started taping at universal studios in Florida, right when Phillips was getting a big break on television. This led to Phillips wrestling on TV for the WWF in late 1991, where he wrestled on TV putting over their stars.  During his short run in the WWF Philips wrestled The Iron Sheik, The Road Warriors, The Mountie and The Undertaker in A match where Al Philips was again place in A bodybag after A match.

It was in 1992 where the character Soultrain Phillips would again appear, this team in the early days of ECW, then known as Eastern Championship wrestling. In Phillips only ECW appearance, he teamed with Philly wrestling legend JT Smith to beat the Flames(Mr Anthony and Mr Perez) in  A match that was near the top of the card.

Phillips would again show up on TV towards the end of 1993, when he would wrestle on WCW TV losing to their top stars for around a year in  a half. It was in WCW where Phillips would lose an armwrestling match to DDP, A wrestling match to A young Tera Ryzing, who later became HHH, and he had three very physical and brutal matches with Vader. All of this took Place on WCW television before Phillips stopped working for the company in 1995.

It was in 1995 when Phillips returned to the WWF losing to Davey Boy Smith on WWF TV. Phillips wrestled three times on Shotgun Saturday Night losing to Steve Blackman, a six man tag match to the Nation of Domination and A match to Dan Severen when he wrestled as GI Bro, although Phillips had two WWF appearances that were very interesting.

In 1996 Phillips had A victory over  veteran Bob Star in A dark match for WWF superstars, as well as a win against Simon Diamond in A WWF Raw dark match in 1998. The latter match happened when Lance Diamond was already a huge star on the indie circuit and five months away from his first big break with ECW. Where these two dark matches tryouts? At the very least the WWF saw something in Phillips, giving him wins in dark matches on two occasions. One against a respected veteran and the other against A rising star.

Al Philips is alive and well today, although he is not active on social media, he still in touch regularly with his trainer Mike Kahula. Phillips never became A huge star, although he had had a very interesting career, that has opened the door for a lot of interesting questions. In Phillps career that lasted around ten years, Phillips accomplished an awful lot, for a guy who wrestled as infrequently as Phillips did. He was also A wrestler who promotors believed in and were willing to get behind.  All of this and the fact that Phillips keeps a low profile even in the age of social media and shoot interviews, makes Al Phillips one of the greatest mysterious in wrestling.


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