NWA Powerrr 07/16/24 Recap, Crockett Cup Finals

NWA Power 07/16/24 results 


King Bees vs Reka Tehaka & Tiffany Nieves

For the NWA Women’s World Tag Team Championships 

Most of the Match was dominated by Tehaka & Nieves. Danny B from the Bees started the match with Tehaka and started somewhat strong but was taken over quickly by Tehakas sheer strength. With several frequent tags between Tehaka  and Nieves they slowly, they kept the match moving strong. Tehaka and Nieves did their best to keep Danny from her corner so she couldn’t tag in her partner Charity King. As a matter of fact the Bees probably only managed to tag in 3 or 4 times compared to their opponents 8,9 or more. The couple of times Charity was in the ring, she seemed to get the upper hand. But for some reason she didn’t stay in for very long, and she would tag the injured Danny back in. Tehaka had hurt the leg of Danny early in the match, and her and Nieves capitalized on that. The two worked that leg with every opportunity. Because of that Danny was slow to defend. And Tehaka & Nieves actually worked like a well oiled machine, staying fresh with constant tags, and keeping Danny near their corner. It looked quite grim for the tag champs for almost the entire match. And it looked like there would be a title change for sure. But in the end, when it WAS Charity in the ring against Tehaka… Tehaka tried to pick Charity up onto her shoulders, Charity pounded Tehaka a couple times in the back, reached over tagged in Danny B. But before leaving the ring Charity double kneed Tehaka in the jaw, which took her hard to the mat. Danny came in and rolled Tehaka up for the pin.

WINNERS- by pinfall & still NWA Women’s Tag Team Champions 

Reka Tehaka & Tiffany Nieves.



EC3 vs Sam Adonis

For the NWA World Heavyweight Championship 

I found this match to be very slow paced, and was surprised at that with the caliber of talent in the ring. To me it almost seemed as if the two competitors only had 2 or 3 moves in their arsenal. Both men with the exception of an occasional Irish whip or forearm, the two almost only used clotheslines & chops. And though I know that Adonis is a well schooled/and experienced player in the game, it almost seemed as if EC3 wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, Adonis is a big strong character and surely can hold his own in the ring, however, EC3 is built like a brick house. EC3 did hold his own, I just expected more from his corner. Adonis just really gave EC3 a run for his money. Both men had several attempts at pinfalls and there were a couple times it didn’t look very promising for the champ. In the end, after a near fall for EC3, he hits Adonis with the 1%er and then finishes him off with some sort of face planter into a pin for the 3 count. 

WINNER- by pinfall & still NWA World Heavyweight Champion EC3



The Immortals-(#4 seed)vs The Southern Six-(#3 seed)w/ Ricky Morton ringside.

Finals- For the Crockett Cup 

This match was a real pick me up after the last match. It was very fast paced and surprisingly with two very different styled teams, power against speed, both teams did well to get their licks in. The match literally started and continued for well over a minute outside & then inside the ring before the bell even rang. Once it rang and it was on , it was everything the Ref could do to keep up with the action. Kratos was in the match a bit more than Odinson due to some quick tags and a bit of double teaming on the part of the Six. Now surprisingly, Ricky Morton seemed to behave himself for most of the match. But in true Ricky Morton fashion, the behaving didn’t last long & when he did get involved it was towards the end of the match, where he pulled the Ref by the ankles during a pinfall count. Of course the Ref left the inside of the ring to help security to eject Ricky from ringside. Which security never really got him fully out. During this time some chaos ensued in the ring. They were so slow at ejecting Ricky from ringside. So slow that Kratos actually ran and jumped over the top rope to take Ricky out himself, but missed him completely and took out like 4 security members. Finally the Ref would re-enter the ring. I’d say in all, the offense & defense was more or less even & kind of what you would expect with these two teams. The immortals, when having the upper hand, did it with power & the Six would do it with speed and cunning tags. There were several times where it looked like the immortals were going to take it because they would just pound either Morton or Taylor with their power moves when the opportunity would arise. But the Six were resilient in every way and held their own well. At the end of the match, and after the Ricky Morton confusion, Odinson picked up Taylor onto his shoulders and at the same time grabbed the young Morton from behind in an attempt to pull off some crazy move to both of the Six at once. But Morton pulled with all his might, & broke free. But as he broke free, he ran into the Referee and knocked him loopy for a second or 2 onto the mat. While the ref was down Kerry Morton kicked Odinson hard in the crotch (with Taylor still on his shoulders). Odinson leaned forward in pain and Taylor used that momentum to roll Odinson up into a small package & the ref saw it and counted to 3.

WINNERS- and recipients of the 2024 Crockett Cup 

The Southern Six- Kerry Morton & Alex Taylor

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