School of Morton X, July 10th 2024

School of Morton

July 10th, 2024

X Division Qualifying matches

Part 1 for this date.


Kohnor Martin


Zac Thomas

The first couple minutes of this match was kind of an “I can apply that move better than you” match. Starting with Martin putting Thomas in a wristlock. Then Thomas gets a reversal & puts Martin in one. The 2 did this with wristlocks a couple times & with a hammerlock as well. Martin tries a different approach & applies an overhead wristlock to take Thomas to the mat. Thomas (still in Martins lock) powers his way back to his feet & breaks from Martins grip. Thomas runs the ropes & hits Martin with not 1, but 2 hard shoulder tackles, but Martin barely moves. When Thomas tries a 3rd time Martin hits’m with a shoulder strike of his own, dropping the Thomas to the mat. Thomas makes it to his feet & when he does Martin grabs Thomas & whips him to the ropes. On Thomaś recoil Martin attempts a clothesline but misses. Thomas bounces off the bottom ropes & attempts a dying cross body, but Martin catches’m & delivers a devastating spinebuster. Martin goes for the pin but Thomas kicks out. On their way back to their feet Martin tries to get Thomas with a stunner, but Thomas managed grab Martin & roll’m up for a possible pin, but Martin kicks out in 2. Getting back to their feet again Thomas kicks Martin in the face and hits the mat again. Thomas attempts another roll up & pin but Martin kicks out yet again. Thomas hits Martin with a few hard forearms but Martin grabs Thomas & whips’m to an opposite corner & hits’m with a running splash. Then Martin whips Thomas to the opposite corner to attempt a second big splash but, Thomas sidesteps the splash & when Martin turns around Thomas nails’m with a running double knee to the chest throwing Martin back into the corner. With Martin apparently helpless in the corner Thomas comes in with another running knee but this time to Martins jaw. As Martin stumbles out of the corner Thomas hits Martin with a running splash & both hit the mat. Thomas rolls Martin up for a 2 count. Frustrated Thomas gets to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle & leaps off for an attempted frog splash. However Martin was too quick to his feet & caught Thomas in mid air & tosses him with an overhead maneuver. Several times Thomas tries to get on his feet and Martin plants tactics on him. First a lariet, then a reverse elbow, and a dropkick. On Thomas 4th attempt to get back in the game Martin picks up Thomas & delivers his “iron press slam”. With Thomas lying on the mat obviously dazed, Martin climbs to the top turnbuckle and delivers a frog splash to Thomas & rolls’m up for the pin.

WINNER- Kohnor Martin



John Anderson 


Asher Reign

At the lockup Anderson powers Reign to the corner & holds’m there. The ref demands Anderson to get Reigns out of the corner he complies but on release, he hits Reigns with a couple quick hard forearms. Then Anderson grabs Reigns and Irish whips’m to the opposite corner & gets’m with a running splash & a quick snap mare takedown. While Reigns sits in the middle of the ring, Anderson catches’m with a basement drop kick & a roll up for an early pin. Reigns kicks out though. The 2 make it to their feet & Reigns finally is on the offense by grabbing Anderson and whipping him to a corner. He follows him to the corner & hits’m with a hard forearm shot, then grabs & whips’m to the opposite corner & delivers a running splash followed by a huge forearm. Then Reigns runs to the opposite corner & gains steam to come back & nail Anderson with a basement drop kick to his thigh area, dropping Anderson to the mat, where Reigns attempts his first pin of the match, but Anderson kicks out. The 2 make it to their feet Reigns grabs Anderson & whips’m to the ropes. On returning Anderson hits Reigns with a couple of forearms, a kick to the abdomen & a knee to the jaw. Then applies a textbook neck breaker to Reigns & Reigns goes down. Anderson attempts a pin but Reigns kicks out. When the 2 get to their feet Reigns whips Anderson to the ropes & follows him to hit’m with a running forearm. Though Reigns catches’m with the forearm, Anderson has the fortitude to grab Reigns & throws him to the opposite corner to set’m up for a big running splash but Reigns sidesteps the splash & kicks Anderson in the head & Anderson falls to the mat. Reigns climbs to the top turnbuckle & jumps off with a swantan bomb onto Anderson & Reigns rolls’m up for the 3 count.

WINNER-Asher Reign

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