American Pro Wrestling Recap, July 7th 2024

APW EP 30 

Tim Taylor Opens up and welcomes the viewers at home. They go right into the imtroduction. 

APW Tag Team Champions Pure Temptation join Taylor and say they’re ready to defend the belts and they’ll look that damn good while doing it. 

Damian Jackson beat  Chase  Bennet with a school boy roll up. 

Taylor interviews Bobby Yela @ Chase Bennet and says they’ve said they want to go after the APW tag team titles and feels some sort of an alliance. 

Bennet says he’s so sick of the cheating and the honor that is lacked in APW. Yela is sick and tired of it so let’s do something about it. Yela gets on the mic and noticed he’s getting the side end of the stick and thinks they should put their differences aside and challenge for the tag team titles tonight. 

NICW Champion Victor Andrews defeats the Cuban Assassin with a roll up. 

Taylor interviews Andrews after the match. Andrews is holding his throat as he was jabbed repeatedly in the throat by a foreign object throughout the match. 

Chase Emery beat AC Divine with a small package 

Taylor interviews Emery on what it’s like to be back at the Mountain State Sportitorium. He gives AC his props and then says he can’t think of a better place to be. But he wants to talk about Jeff Paul. He’s on a manhunt to find him. Doesn’t care if he has to go through Logan, Jake, but he’s going to find him. 

APW Television Championship Sean Cruise (c) beat Jeff Paul

 Paul at one point came out and grabbed the tv title and was about to enter the ring and hit Cruise with it. Chase Emery came out and grabbed it from him. Cruise struck Paul then hit a leg drop for the three. 

We go right to main event as the tag champions Pure Temptation attack Yela and  Bennet from behind. After a solid tag team match it got a little out of control. It was Chase Bennett and Dynamite Jackson in the ring while Yela and Devine brawled outside.  Bennett rolled up Jackson for a three count and new APW tag team champions Chance Bennett and Bobby Yela!! 

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