NWA Powerrr Recap, July 9th 2024

NWA Power
07/09/24 Results & how won.

Crockett Cup Semi-Finals

1 seed-Blunt Force Trauma

Damage & Carnage w/ Aaron Stevens

4 seed-The Immortals

Kratos & Odinson

Kratos was the legal man in the ring against Carnage. But Odinson came in the ring and the Immortals attempted a double suplex on Carnage. However, Carnage managed to land on his feet behind them before it could actually be applied & proceeded to grab Kratos & Odinson to deliver a double neck breaker on the duo. Kratos (the legal man) rolls to his corner in pain & sits in waiting while Odinson continues in the match. The referee never counted to 5? During this time Carnage whips Odinson into the ropes & on recoil attempts a standing drop kick & misses. Odinson then grabs Carnage & whips HIM into the ropes and on Carnage’s recoil back Odinson delivers a tremendous running shoulder block that drops Carnage to the mat. At which time Odinson rolls out of the ring & Kratos jumps over to Carnage and rolls him up for the pin.
WINNERS-the Immortals
The Immortals advance to the finals against the Southern Six.
Ella Envy w/Miss Star
Envy did a quick interview to let the tv audience know why she is going to destroy Kenzie Page & take the women’s title.
Mims w/Blk Jeez
Baron Von Storm w/Jax Dane

Most of the match leading up to the end was Mims avoiding the Baron & the Baron just pacing around in the ring looking menacing & holding up his “claw” hand. Mims did a lot of exiting the ring & pacing around it as the audience jeered him to get in the ring & wrestle. When Mims actually did confront the Baron, it was in short spurts to get the upper hand when he could get the shots in. Mims managed to get a few clubbing blows & even a few kicks in on the behemoth during the match. But that didn’t seem to phase the Baron much at all. And of course in the end he grabbed Mims by the skull & apply his devastating claw. Mims could only take a few seconds of that before he tapped out. The Baron wouldn’t release the claw until Jax Dane came into the ring & pulled the Baron from the defeated Mims.

WINNER-Baron Von Storm
Kenzie Page (c) w/Kylie Page
Ella Envy w/Ms. Star
For the NWA women’s title

I was surprised with this match. I expected there to be some huge interference, or a lot of shenanigans in this one. However, this for the most part was a good one on one confrontation between 2 fantastic wrestlers. Possibly because (as we all know) these 2 were partners & know each other so well, that they already knew what the other would do next. With the exception of Ms. Star and/or Kylie up on the apron to complain about something in attempts to maybe cause a distraction, it really was a straight forward & well fought match. In the end Kenzie caught Ella with a form of a “sling blade” which drove Ella to the mat hard & Kenzie jumped on & rolled Ella up for the pin. And Kenzie retains her championship.

WINNER-Kenzie Page
Stay tuned for the Crockett Cup Finals next week on NWA
& we here at PWW will bring you the results.

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