SOM Agoge Recap, July 3rd 2024

EC Dangerously opens the show explains the rules.


Evan Golden vs Jeff Klepper

Starts with a color and elbow and Klepper  backing Golden  to the corner. And comes out with a side headlock. Push to the ropes and a shoulder tackle. Off the ropes again and another tackle. Works Golden in the corner then whips him hard to the opposite corner. Then chokes him with his foot. Hard vertical suplex, Klepper goes for the cover and only two. Both men to their feet and Golden with a thumb to the eye then works Klepper in the corner snap mare and a cover for only two. Golden chokes him on the middle rope then rakes his eyes. Whips him to the ropes and a reversal and a huge clothesline. Cover and a kick out at two by Golden. Golden whipped into the corner and Klepper charges, Golden out of the way and Golden rolls him up and his feet on the ropes for the 1,2,3. 

Winner: Evan Golden

Tyler Shoop get in there and clothiers lines Golden, side Russian leg sweep and cover and a pin. 

Brandon Moore  jumps in and is after Shoop,  firing up with a series of rights and lefts. Whip and a huge arm drag and again. Reversal and a backbreaker on Moore.  Pummels with right hands. Off the ropes and Moore catches him in a huge spine buster.  Moore lifts him up and a jaw breaker for his troubles. Moore worked over in the corner. Moore fights back but Shoop gets a ddt and a cover. 1,2 and a kick out. Shoop does pushups as he pins him and get out. Shoop lifts Moore up but Moore attempts to fight back. Moore with a backslide but a kick out and then catches an enziguri.  Shoop measures him. goes for a neck breaker and a 1, 2, 3. 


Maverick Price is next in and goes for Shoop immediately and he’s in the ropes. Shoop fights back and a huge drop kick. Gut wrench suplex and a cover. Out at 2. Maverick with  fireman’s carry and looks like an F5 but Shoop slides  out and back elbows him and gets the three. 

Shoop is the winner of Agoge 

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