NWA Powerrr Recap, July 2nd 2024

The opening is a highlight package for Knox & Murdoch vs Southern 6. Great, dramatic video package.  

Grab The Jewels Ladder Match:Rolando vs Eric Smalls

Rolando comes out fully dressed and arm in a sling. Corgan in commentary says Rolando is not medically cleared. Kyle Davis interviews Rolando. He has some terrible news. They paid their hard earned money to see El Jefe kick him (Smalls) in the teeth. But he’s got somebody. Spencer Slade comes out. 

Rolando give Smalls the chance to back out. He says he’s been the underdog his entire career and he is going to kick is ass. 

Slade starts off with some amateur wrestling moves. Then shoves him down. Smalls fires with kicks to the hamstrings on Slade. Slade charges and smalls takes him down with a drop toehold. Only to get up and kicked right in the face. Slades rips his shirt off. Tosses him then kicks him while down. Continues to pummel him as Slade screams stay down. Slade throws him in the corner and charges and smalls side steps and delivers a bronco buster. 

Smalls goes to the outside and get a ladder. Slade jumps up and pushes the ladder down and clotheslines Smalls. Smalls is struggling to get up. It does and fires back with a kick and a huge DDT on Slade. Does the worm and a leg drop. The crowd is going crazy for this. Smalls to the second buckle and head butt  to the mid section. Smalls hits Slade with the ladder and he does outside. Set him up and a baseball slide with the ladder. Slade comes around the opposite side and Smalls with a tope suicida. Rolando comes around and with his good arm takes Smalls feet out from under him. Slade makes his way back into the ring. 

Slade continues to talk trash and as he’s talking to the crowd Smalls grabs his hand and bites his fingers. Ducks under a clothes line and spears Slade. Then a super kick. Delivers a moonsault on Slade who is laying on the ladder. Smalls sets the ladder up again. And begins to climb it. Slade pulls him off and tries an ankle lock and Smalls rolls through it and tries the ladder again. Slade gets him up on his shoulders and delivers a Kryptonite Crunch and Slade climbs the ladder. Smalls lifts the ladder and Slade tumbles off. Rolando now in the ring and attacks Smalls. They double team him on the outside. 

Knox & Murdoch make their way down and go after Slade and Rolando. They help Smalls back into the ring and he climbs the ladder. smalls can’t reach the bag so calls in Murdoch. And he climbs the ladder with smalls on this shoulder. Slade with a chop block on Murdoch. Slade climbs the ladder and grabs the jewels for the win. 



National Championship Thom Latimer vs Zyon

The two start by shoving each other then collar & elbow tie up. Continue to shove each other then go back to collar & elbow. This goes back and forth until Zyon grabs Latimer in a headlock. The two shoulder block each other. Nice arm drag by Latimer. Zyon has him up on the ropes and whips him across. Zyon with a leap frog and tries for a hip toss. Latimer bocks then an arm drag by Zyon and his has him in an armbar. We go to commercial. 

Back from commercial we see Latimer with and arm drag and a huge drop kick taking Zyon down. Zyon up against the ropes as Latimer charges and Zyon side steps and Latimer goes through the ropes landing near Austin Idol. Idol threatens to punch Latimer. Zyon attacks Latimer from behind and continues to pummel him. Zyon pulls him in the ring with a neck breaker. Goes for the cover and only two. 

Zyon drops a series of elbows and another pin attempt then a reverse chinook and Latimer attempts to fight out. Tries to whip him but Zyon chops him down. Another chin lock and his puts all the weight on Latimer. Latimer makes his way to his feet and a jaw breaker and an inverted atomic drop and a clothes line and works Zyon in the corner. Huge duplex and the crowd is behind Latimer and delivers a velvet noise and covers him for two. Attempts a vertical duplex and Zyon slides out and out on the Z clutch (Cobra Clutch).  Latimer tosses Zyon over his shoulder to get out. 

Zyon attempts a clothes line as Latimer ducks under and again and the clothes line each other. Both men are down. Both men make their way to their feet and exchange upper cut forearms. Thom gets Zyon in a back slide but he rolls through. Zyon with a claymore kick. Goes for the cover and Latimer kicks out. Zyon climbs the ropes. Went for a clothes line Latimer moves and attempts a cross face, zayin blocks it then Latimer takes him down and get him in the cross face. Zyon nears the ropes but Latimer slips him through. Zyon via joint manipulation get out of the hold. He’s up and rolls up Latimer and gets only two. Latimer with a sit out power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Thomas Latimer


Crockett Cup Semifinals :Knox & Murdoch vs Southerm Six (Kerry Morton & Alex Taylor) 

Taylor & Morton attempt to go after Knox & Murdoch with punches and they don’t look phased at all and they just blast the Southern Six. Double whip to Morton and they double back drop him. I swear Kerry damn near hit the lights. Taylor still hasn’t left the ring so they do the same to him. Taylor and Morton take a walk outside to collect their thoughts. Knocks drags Kerry up the apron and brings him in with a vertical suplex. The bell rings and the match officially starts. 

Knox drops a huge elbow on Morton. Knox just stares down at him as Morton struggles to get up.  Shoves him with his foot. Drops a series of elbows. Then licks up Morton for a slam and tags Murdoch. Murdoch delivers a right hand and goes for the cover and Morton kicks out. Morton attempts to fight back but Murdoch delivers a huge forearm across the back. Morton tags in Taylor. Taylor charges and get a huge right hand for his troubles. Murdoch shrugs and smiles to the crowd then lifts Taylor up. 

Huge chop and takes Taylor down. Another and Taylor goes flying to the corner. Murdoch whips him and Taylor reverses it into the corner. Murdoch ducks and tosses him over the tips. Taylor lands on his feet on the apron. Murdoch nails him then goes outside. Both men are on the apron when Morton comes from behind and takes out Murdoch knee. 

We go to commercial. 

Back from commercial and we see Taylor working over Murdoch and he tags Morton in. Morton chop blocks Murdoch in the corner as they work over him. Taylor comes in and is stomping Murdoch. Begins to work the part leg. Murdoch stands up and Taylor pushes him to the corner and puts him on the buckle and wraps the leg around the rope and stretches it. He climbs the ropes and Murdoch pushes him off. Murdoch up and cross bodies Taylor.  

Both teams make the tag. Knox comes in and hits Morton with a huge clothes line and whips him to the ropes. Big boot across the face. Pushes Morton to the corner and Knox splashes him. Whips Morton across the ring again misses a clothes line and Knox hits the crossbody nearly killing Kerry Morton. Knox tags in Murdoch but Taylor is still in the ring. As the two go for the finish Taylor pushes Morton out of the way and gets double teamed. Kerry now on the apron. Knox goes for him but Morton grabs him by the head and drops to the floor dropping Knox throat across the top rope. Murdoch makes him and goes to bring him in with a suplex. Ricky Morton on the outside grabs Murdoch’s leg and hold his foot down as Kerry lands on him and get the three count. 

Winners and going to the Crockett Cup Finals :Morton and Taylor. 

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