NWA Powerrr Recap June 25th 2024

NWA Powerrr 06/25/24


Looks that kill #10 seed.   Vs

Knox & Murdoch #2 seed & the 2023 winners of the Crockett Cup

The match started with Markova & Murdoch. Because Markova is a woman Murdoch was hesitant to lay hands on her. But because Markova kept slapping & taunting Murdoch he quickly gave in & clobbered her to the mat. Markova realized what she was in for & tagged in Bryan Idol. Like a wildfire Idol came in with a flurry of good shots & a sling blade before Murdoch put an end to Idols momentum with a hard clothesline. Idol attempted a splash on Murdoch when he was in the corner but failed when Murdoch sidestepped it & power slammed Idol to the mat then tagged in Knox. Knox immediately tried to hit Idol with an elbow & missed. Idol then hit Knox with several chops & a couple of forearms. Knox grabbed Idol & tossed’m in the corner to attempt a splash but Idol was quick enough to sidestep it & knee Knox in the jaw. Knox fell to the mat & Idol attempted a pin with a double underhook but Knox kicked out. When they got to their feet Idol tried to set up Knox for a suplex but Knox countered & took Idol & (looking like a face slam) threw Idol hard onto the top rope & hitting the mat just as hard. Knox picked Idol up & tossed him to his corner where Murdoch was waiting. Knox tagged in Murdoch.they of course used the 5 count to their advantage to double team Idol. Murdoch pulls Idol from the corner into a standing clothesline. Knox pulled Idol back to his corner & again tagged in Knox. And of course they used the refs 5 count to their advantage, with an abdominal stretch & shot to the ribs, & followed with a suplex. Knox attempted a pin but Idol kicked out. They then exchanged several shots at each other & Idol caught Knox with a hammering DDT. They both made it to their perspective corners to tag in their partners. As Murdoch was entering the ring Markova came off the top rope & nailed  him with a missle drop kick. Murdoch gets up and stumbles to his corner & Markova runs up on him & delivered a running knee to his jaw. Then Markova hits’m with a flurry of forearms and a spinning roundhouse kick. Markova tags in Idol. Knox rushes in & spears Markova before she exits the ring. Then Murdoch & Idol  enter the ring. Idol super kicks Murdock & then attempts a springboard move off the ropes. However before the 5 count could happen Knox rushed in & the the 2 behemoths pulled their “high-low” move on Idol & Murdoch got the pin.

Winners – Murdoch & Knox

Now they face the Southern Six next week in the semifinals.



Joe Alonzo (Junior Heavyweight Champion).  Vs

Jack Cartwheel , for the JHC belt.

Alonzo started by trying to hit Jack with several punches but Jack just cartwheeled around Joe causing him to miss every one. So Joe kicked Jack in the gut. Jack recovered & planted several punches to joe until he was in the corner. At which time Jack head scissored Joe out of the ring. Upon Joe re-entering the ring Jack rushed Joe but Joe sidestepped & Jack hit the ropes & went through them to the floor outside. Joe then exited the ring & picked up Jack & slammed him on the edge of the apron. They both roll into the ring & Joe attempted a pin but Jack kicked out. Joe picks up Jack & proceeds to deliver a  couple of body slams. Jack gets up & hits Joe with several forearms, but on the 3rd attempt Joe ducks, grabs Jack and slams him hard on his neck and shoulders. Jack attempts a pin but Joe kicks out. They both make it to their feet. Jack runs at Joe but Joe delivers a kick to Jacks gut & then another to his back. Which brings Jack to the mat where Joe attempts, yet again, to pin Jack, but Jack kicks out. Whilst Jack is still on the mat, an angry Joe hits Jack with several forearms, then when Jack sits up Joe puts a claw hold on the face of Jack. Jack muscles his face free & gets upright but Joe pull Jack back to the mat by his hair. Jack gets upright again & goes to tell the ref of the hair pull & Joe pulls him to the mat by his trunks & rolls Jack up for a pin. Jack again kicks out. They get to their feet & Jack try’s to kick Joe in the stomach but Joe uses the move to set Jack up & delivers a neck breaker. After 2 more times Joe rolls up Jack for the pin & fails, they both get up & Jack kicks Joe in the head.  When Joe gets up he attempts a clothesline on Jack but misses the mark, bounces off the ropes & gets caught with a neck breaker. Both competitors ran the ropes a couple times & Jack did a springboard cartwheel & caught Joe & took him to the mat with a crucifix, pedal pin but failed. Jack then, off the top rope misses Joe with a kick & when he lands he spins around and tries to grab Joe and bring’m to the mat for a pin but Joe knees Jack in the face. Joe then runs & bounces off the ropes & comes at Jack but he sidesteps & tosses Joe over the top rope to the floor. Jack then cartwheels out of the ring over the top rope to Joe below. Jack picks Joe up and tosses him into the ring. Jack climbs to the top rope & attempts a cartwheel onto Joe below but misses the mark & Joe gets to the corner, gets up on the 2nd turnbuckle and hits Jack  with a sunset boom, then picks up Jack & plants him with a Joey special for the win.

Winner & still NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion 

Joe Alonzo



Max the Impaler & Judias #9 seed

W/the Sinister Minister James Mitchell.          Vs

Blunt Force Trauma #1 seed w/Aron Stevens

While Mitchell was instructing his duo BFT attacked them from behind before the bell rang. The bell then rang & the match started with Max & Carnage. They both stood toe to toe & hit each other with several forearms. Carnage & Max moved around the ring in lockup until they ended up in BFTs corner. Carnage tagged in Damage. Damage & Max exchanged several blows & then Damage attempted a choke , after headbutting Max, but broke it before the 5 count. Then pulled Max to his corner to tag in Carnage. He proceeded to body slam Max then run over & forearmed Judias off the apron. He then tagged in Damage again the BFT grabbed Max & whipped her to the ropes & delivered a double elbow before the 5 count. With Max sitting up in the center of the ring Damage hammered on her & followed up with a hard claw hold on her trapezius muscle. Then elbowed her flat. Damage then tagged in Carnage. Carnage picked up Max & tossed her to a neutral corner & ran in for an attempted splash but Max met him with an elbow. Carnage stumbled back & attempted a 2nd splash but Max sidestepped it & tagged in Judias. Judias whipped Carnage to a corner & was going to do a splash of his own & Damage ran in to intercept but Judias caught him & whipped him into another corner & proceeded to splash both of them. Judias then delivered a big boot to Carnage’s face. Then went over to Damage, still in the other corner, grabbed & choke slammed him. Carnage ran over & delivered a double axhandle to the back of Judias. Then picked Judias up & body slammed him. When he attempted to pin Judias he kicked out. Then Carnage held Judias in a plank position & Damage climbed the turnbuckle & came down on Judias with a devastating elbow where Judias was pinned for the 3 count.

Winners- Blunt Force Trauma

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