Smackdown June 21st 2024 Recap

Smackdown 06/21/24 recap.

———-opening segment———CM Punk came to the ring to address the crowd. He basically said that during the time he’s been out due to injury that Drew McIntyre made his life miserable, kicking him while he was down. And Punk said he would get him back & that’s why I did what I did at Clash at the Castle. Punk couldn’t believe that it took so little to get Drew to pack his bags. At which time Paul Heyman interrupted Punks promo and came down to the ring. After Heyman got permission from Punk to enter the ring he proceeded to hug Punk. They concurred that they were best friends and Heyman had concerns. He knew that Punk would be cleared medically soon to compete again but Solo Sikoa & the Bloodline were not happy that Punk was calling Chicago his town and Heyman was truly concerned for Punks well being. He asked Punk for 2 favors. 1-He asked Punk to leave before he got hurt. At which time the Bloodline came down the ramp.   They gave verbal warning to Punk. Punk asked Heyman …if I do what you asked what was your other request? That’s when Heyman said” take me with you”. Punk responded to the BL that, they were nothing more than a cosplay Tribal Chief and a couple of fake USOs. The BL entered the ring but, before they could attack Punk, outta nowhere Cody Rhodes entered the ring from the commentary side with 2 baseball bats. 1 for Punk & 1 for himself. The BL exited the ring without haste. Cody told Solo, he beat 1 tribal chief, he’ll beat another. Cody said, me & you 1 on 1, no Bloodline, no Orton , no Owens at ringside just you & me. Solo agreed.



Women’s Triple threat qualifier match, for money in the bank.

Bianca BelAir vs Michin vs Chelsea Green    (Results)

After BelAir hit Michin with her finisher near the ropes & was about to pin Michin for the win, Green (on the outside of the ring) grabbed BelAirs ankles and pulled her out to the floor. Green then proceeded to jump in the ring and steal the pin from BelAir for a spot in the Money in the Bank


Back in the Bloodlines dressing room Solo instructed Paul to tell Tama & Tanga to take care of Orton & Owens so they can’t interfere with his match against Cody. And when you’re done doing that Paul come back her cause we’re gonna have a talk.


Backstage near a huge overhead door DIY (Gargano & Ciampa) were talking to Grayson Waller about how he takes advantage of Austin Theory when all of a sudden there’s several loud bangs on the door. A member of the staff opened the overhead door and laying bloodied on the ground was Punk with McIntyre standing over him. McIntyre then picked up Punk on Drew’s shoulders & carried him out to the entrance ramp. He dropped Punk to the floor then mocked Punks kneeling and swiping the floor with his fingers then reached over to Punk and removed something from Punks wrist. WWE staff all came out with paramedics, got McIntyre to leave and the paramedics took care of Punk & got him in an ambulance to a medical facility.



Men’s Triple Threat qualifier match for a spot in Money in the Bank

Randy Orton vs Toma Tonga vs Carmelo Hayes.

Hayes & Tonga did more ganging up on Orton than each other. But Orton in the best shape of his career managed to hold his own well. Then Tonga Loa ran down to the ring and jumped on the apron only to have Orton punch him off to the floor, where surprisingly Owens was waiting to beat’m down. At that time Tonga ran up behind Orton but Orton caught him and tossed Tonga out of the ring. While Orton was distracted with that Hayes took advantage of the chaos & came up to Orton only to grab him from behind & roll him up for the pin for a spot in Money in the Bank.


LA Knight came down to the ring to call out Logan Paul. When Paul didn’t show Knight proceeded to fill the crowd in on everything he’s done to get Paul’s attention for a title match & how Paul just keeps dodging him. Santos Escobar came to the ring and warned Knight that HE was the one Knight should be worried about, because they had a match next week. Of course Escobar attempted to catch Knight off guard with a sucker punch but Knight caught him and face planted Escobar. While Knight was standing over him, from outside the ring Paul came in and blindsided Knight to the mat. Then just flaunted his belt to the camera into commercial break.



Men’s Triple Threat qualifier match for a spot in Money in the Bank

Kevin Owens vs Andrade vs Grayson Waller

As Owens was at the top of the ramp, Tonga & Loa attacked Owens hurting his knee. Orton came to the rescue. After removing the 2 thugs, Owens told Orton he was going through with the match, hurt knee & all. Owens hobbled to the ring. Of course Waller tried to work Owens bad knee every chance he got. Escobar kept it clean. In the end, while Owens was outside the ring holding his knee in pain, Andrade managed to switch up one of Wallers moves & get the pin over him for the win and a spot in the Money in the Bank.



Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa

After about 3 minutes into the match Tama & Tonga ran down to the ring and started ganging up on Rhodes. Then Orton & Owens came to the ring and all hell broke loose. After Orton & Owen cleared the ring of Tonga & Toma Solo was sitting in the corner of the ring with a scared look on his face as Rhodes, Owens & Orton closed in on him. Suddenly Solo starts smiling and kind of chuckling to himself. As the 3 turn around Jacob Fatu had entered the ring and proceeded to apply some sweet chin music to the 3. In the last couple of minutes of the show Fatu basically decimated the 3 fan favorites single handedly. Owens on the ring stairs, Orton through a barricade & Rhodes frogsplashed through the announcers table. Fatu let the fans know…he has arrived.

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