Ivan Rokov

Several words can be used to describe Ivan Rokov. The professional wrestler from Moscow, Russia is fearless, violent, and dangerous! Inside the ring, Ivan is thinking about only one thing.  That one thing is to destroy his opponent that is standing across from him. The 240-pound man that stands an inch over six feet tall, has been wrestling for 20 years.

If his chiseled body and brute strength doesn’t intimidate the other fighters, the cold, mean stare on his face will. Ivan’s confidence can be mistaken for arrogance; however, he has never backed down from any one of his opponents. Not even the fighters that might have had strong and obvious advantages over him. Ivan will fight anyone!

“I love seeing the shocked looks on the faces of the people in the audience,” Ivan Rokov said. “I was born to be a fighter.”

For the first 17 years of Ivan’s career, he dominated the competition in his home country of Russia. He has also wrestled all over the world where he has held an array of titles in several different counties. His name and reputation in pro wrestling has got him noticed by promotions in Mexico. A country synonymous with the Lucha Libre style of wrestling.

In 2022, Ivan went to the “Land of the Sun” and he made his debut with the International Revolution Wrestling Group. Ivan had his first match in the city of Naucalpan de Juarez which just outside of Mexico City. It was a tag team contest against Dr. Wagner and Hijo del Pirata Morgan. Ivan’s partner was Capo Mayor, a 20-year wrestling veteran of the ring. Unfortunately, their opponents took the victory that night. However, Ivan is determined to dominate the Mexican wrestling scene.

“When I came to Mexico, everybody wanted me to change my wrestling style and for me to become a Luchador. Mexico doesn’t need another Luchador,” Rokov stated. “I want to be the one and only of my kind here. I want to display my unique style because there not any fighters in Mexico like me!”

Ivan’s in ring style can be categorized as a real fight. His punches and kicks are delivered with a powerful force. Along with his rough tactics, he also brings traditional mat wrestling skills to his matches. There is one dream that this Russian grappler hopes to achieve by working in Mexico, and that is to wrestle in the United States.

As for now, that expectation will have to wait until the time is right. Until then, he will continue his onslaught in the ring against Mexico’s finest wrestlers.

“I can’t wait until I can show the American audience what I can do,” Rokov explained. “I know the fans in the United States will like my style of fighting. Most of all, America needs a wrestler like me!”

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