NWA Powerrr June 18th 2024


Match 1

Daisy kill & Talos , w/Vampiro
The Immortals-Odinson &

For most of the match the Immortals kept Daisy Kill from Tagging Talos by doing their best at keeping him away from his corner. Eventually Talos was within reach of Daisy and tagged himself in. Talos was in and out within a minute and the same thing happened all over again. Immortals beat down Daisy in 3 out of 4 corners. Vampiro gave little support to his 2 grapplers. With the exception where he tried a botched move off the top rope. Talos tagged himself in a second time but again for less than a minute. Shortly thereafter Odinsson pinned Daisy for the win to advance in the tournament.
Match 2

Tiffany Nieves & Reka Tehaka
La Rosa Negra & Ruthie Jay

Negra started with Nieves and dominated most of their time until Jay tagged in & Negra & Jay used the full 5 count to double team Nieves. For the most part Negra was in the match & ran it her way with one offensive move after another. Unfortunately Tehaka managed to soften Negra up with just a few moves on her end. Once Negra was slowing down defensively they got her into their corner to continue breaking her down. After a short time Negra escaped from her opponents corner and made it to Jay for the tag. Unfortunately almost immediately, Tehaka body slammed Jay for the pin.
Match 3

The country Gentlemen – AJ & Kc. W/ Joe Cazana. Vs.
The Southern Six – Alex Taylor & Kerry Morton W/Ricky Morton

Good, hard fought & fast paced matchup. AJ & KC dominated the beginning minutes of the match by utilizing their size advantage. However Taylor & Morton actually held their own against the behemoths quite well and eventually took the win by hitting KC with the six speed for the 3 count.

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