WWE Smackdown Recap For May 31st 2024

Smackdown 5/31 recap

Nick Aldis grants permission to AJ Styles to address the fans at the shows end.

Match-1 Tomasso Cimampa vs Austin Theory

Ciampa won because Grayson Waller jumped on the apron to distract Tomasso Champa but caused Austin Theory to become distracted and Champa grabbed Theory and rolled him up for the pin.

Naomi came into Nick Aldis’ office to request a match with Bayley and interrupted a conversation between him and Blair Davenport. Davenport got heated and reminded Naomi in a bullying tone, just who she was. And then stormed out.

Then LA Knight came into office and wanted to talk to him. After Knight came out of the office Kayla Braxton caught Knight in the hallway to ask what the conversation was about. As knight proceeded to tell Braxton he was looking for a match with Logan Paul but Paul wasn’t in attendance so he’ll see him next week. Carmelo Hayes interrupted to basically talk smack to Knight and walk off.

Match-2 Andrade vs Apollo Cruz . Before the match a vignette was played showing Angel Garza trying to get Andrade to join the Fantasmo faction but Andrade declined. During his match with Cruz, Garza came out to ringside. After a few minutes Garza jumped up on the apron and got Cruz’ attention. When Cruz attempted to swing at Garza he ducked and missed. Andrade came up behind Cruz & rolled him up for the pin. Then Fantasmo came out thinking Andrade would now reconsider. However Andrade walked right past them to the back. Garza ran to the locker room to complain about his ungrateful behavior after Garza helped him with the win, but Andrade reminded him he’s not interested.

The Bloodline was in the back talking, Paul Heyman came in and talked to Solo about how he used to give advice to Roman Reigns as his wiseman but with Solo he doesn’t take advice. Then on the monitor in the Bloodline dressing room you saw and heard Kevin Owen’s entrance. Sikoa told Heyman to go handle Owen’s or else. While Owen’s was addressing the crowd about Ortons knee and having Ortons back in the matter Heyman came out to the ring. He pleaded with Owen’s to stop antagonizing the Bloodline because he can’t control them and Owen’s could be seriously hurt. Owen’s didn’t believe that Heyman didn’t have control and wasn’t about to leave the Bloodline alone. At which time the Bloodline came down the ramp to apparently jump Owens but from the other side of the ring, the Street Profits jumped in and a match was formed between the 

Match-3 Bloodline less Solo and the Profits. The Bloodline won the match with a tag in that the Profits didn’t see but the referee did.

Indie Hartwell came up on Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill and proceeded to complain that Candice Larea was on the shelf this week thanks to what the women’s tag champs did to her the previous week. Cargill challenged Hartwell to a match next week. Hartwell didn’t look happy with the challenge.

Match -4 Naomi and Bayley teamed up to take on Chelsea Greene and Piper Niven. Greene & Niven won when Niven assisted Green by double teaming Naomi before the “after the tag 5 count. And tossing Greene hard onto Naomi and Greene got the pin.

AJ Styles came out near the shows end to address the crowd. He stated that he was home last week & his son graduated from high school and they had a graduation party for him with friends and family and he realized what he was missing all these years. And he wanted to change that. The OP was in the ring with him and it became an emotional moment. He then proceeded to call Cody Rhodes to the ring. Cody came out and AJ told Cody that his match in Saudi Arabia was one of the best he’s had and thought that would be a great one to end his career on. They both gave each other props and respect. They hugged and Cody proceeded to raise Styles arms to the crowd as a champion. Styles then blindsided Cody to the mat. He then got Cody to the stairs outside the ring and styles clashed Cody off the stairs to the floor. 

Fade to black 

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