On This Day In Wrestling History


   ON THIS DAY –  MAY 27th

1952 – NWA Heavyweight Title – Lou Thesz (c) defeats Bobby Managoff (Best two out of three) 2-1 – Little Rock, Arkansas

1966 – WWA World Tag Team Titles – Bearcat Wright & Bobo Brazil defeat El Mongol & Buddy Austin (C) By DQ – Los Angeles, California

1977 – WWWF Title – Superstar Billy Graham (C) defeats Bob Backlund by count out – St. Louis Mo.

1979 – David & Kevin Von Erich defeat Atsushi Onita & Masanobu Fuchi – Ishino Maki, Miyagi, Japan

1983 – Mil Mascaras defeats The Masked Superstar – Houston, Texas


Eric Bischoff (1955)

Buddy Wayne (1967)

Barry O (1968)

Natalya Neidhart (1982)

Delilah Doom (1988)


Vince McMahon Sr. (1984)

George Temple (1996)

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