Evan Golden

If you are ever at a wrestling show and Evan Golden is on the card, you won’t soon forget him. Evan’s colorful attire is one thing that helps him stand out, but his obnoxious personality will also leave a lasting impression on you.

If the last name Golden sounds familiar, it should. Especially, to the wrestling fans on the Southeastern part of the United States. For over three decades, Evan’s Father Eddie and his Great Uncle Jimmy made their last name known to the wrestling fanbase on that side of the country.

“Growing up in a wrestling family is different to other people’s stories,” Evan Golden said. “My father and uncle’s superb talents in the ring, are something that I can only hope to fill their shoes and follow in their footsteps.”

Evan has been wrestling for only two years, but his uncle and father have a total of 90 years combined experience. His Uncle Jimmy started wrestling in the 60s, and because pro wrestling has a tendency to change a little bit every 10 years, Jimmy has seen the sport evolve over time.

Though Jimmy and Eddie have similar philosophies about wrestling, their in-ring approach varies slightly. Uncle Jimmy had a more of a brawling style at the end of his career, and Father Eddie was more of a technical wrestler. Despite their differences, the two men etched the Golden family name in the wrestling history books forever!

“Since they both have had long careers, I can ask them almost anything and they will have an answer for me,” Golden replied. “I can also go to each one of them with questions knowing that I will get a contrast of feedback.”

Evan has been wrestling in the Carolinas, West Virgina and Virgina, but the two promotions where fans are getting quite familiar with him are both in Tennessee. Those companies are NWA JCP run by Joe Cazana and The School of Morton, under the direction the one and only, Ricky Morton.

If there is one thing that Evan likes to do most of all, is to instigate the fans at the live events. It is not uncommon to see him yelling at or provoking the spectators in the audience. One might say, the interaction motivates Evan to be the best heel wrestler that he can be!

“I recently received a message from a wrestling fan on social media. They wanted to know that if they made a sign for me, if I would tear it up?” Golden stated. “If they have to ask, I am not going to tell them. That is something they are going to have to find out for themselves!”

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