Windy City Pro Wrestling announces a comeback years in the making.

Last night on YouTube, Windy City Pro Wrestling made an announcement -and it’s huge.


In a stroke of creative brilliance in 2001, Promoter Sam DeCero sought the expertise of wrestler James “Bigtime” Duck to craft a spectacle like no other for Battle of the Belts 2001. What emerged was the brainchild of Duck: the Stacked Ring Battle Royale, affectionately known as “The Badder, Ladder, Royale”. Within the electric atmosphere of 1900 eager fans, the stage was set with a setup unparalleled in wrestling lore. Picture two rings side by side, forming a unique stairway to destiny. The first ring, familiar in its wrestling ring guise, held the promise of the familiar combat. But it was the second ring that truly captured the imagination – twice the height, adorned with a ladder, a symbol of ascension. The rules were simple yet exhilarating (and a bit insane):

40 contenders would begin the battle in the lower ring, each eyeing the perilous climb into the towering structure above. Their goal? To secure the ladder, defy gravity, and ascend to claim the ultimate prize: the Battle Royal Championship Belt, tantalizingly suspended 50 feet above the arena floor, embodying the essence of victory and conquest.

Now, some 23 years later – Duck is bringing back his creation.