Book, Bury, Bless #1

What the hell is “Book, Bury, Bless,”?

“Book, Bury, Bless” is a social game or conversation starter that presents participants with three individuals and asks them to choose which person they would like to have booked as a performer on their card (“book”), which wrestler they would punish on their card “bury.”, which wrestler you would elevate as your champion (“bless”)

Basically it’s “FMK,” geared towards the pro wrestling community, to create conversation. We can only do the Mount Rushmore thing so long, right? Each week, we will present THREE wrestlers which you will either Book, Bury or Bless, and feel free to give reasons.

Leave your reply on any of our social media, to get the conversation started!


Hulk HoganRic FlairRandy Savage